Sands was delighted to join the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) and the RBS Fertility and Loss Network for their first global Baby Loss Awareness Week (9-15 October) event.   

RBS and NatWest hosted their event on Friday 11 October that was attended by representatives from Sands, The Fertility Network and Sands Lothians.

Asma Ali, founder and chair of the Fertility & Loss Employee Led Network at RBS delivered an important message: “There was a time when people didn’t talk about cancer or mental health, because they were considered taboo, it’s time that we change this for baby loss.”

Maresa Morris, one of the committee members on the network said: “We are really proud to have been able to host such an event and to break the silence. We hope to make this an annual event to continue raising awareness on baby loss.”

Susy Gould-Obiora and Marion Currie from Sands were delighted to be invited to join the event as guest speakers in London and Edinburgh respectively.

Marion Currie, Senior Fundraising and Events Coordinator at Sands and Co-founder of Baby Loss Awareness Week, said: “It was a privilege to be invited by RBS to talk about Baby Loss Awareness Week, to hear from all the speakers and to highlight the importance for organisations to be able to offer the right workplace support for employees who are affected by baby loss.

“We’d like to say a big thank you to RBS for hosting the event and for lighting up their office buildings across the UK in pink and blue.”

The Fertility & Loss Network at RBS, recognises that during Baby Loss Awareness Week bereaved parents and families unite to commemorate the lives of babies who died during pregnancy, at birth or shortly after birth.

Statistics have shown that 1 in 4 pregnancies end in loss and RBS recognises that this equates to thousands of their colleagues and customers, who have experienced the death of a baby or know someone who has. This experience can be a lonely and devastating time for bereaved parents and their families.

For further information on how Sands could provide support to your organisation as an employer, visit the consultancy services page or email:

For further information on Baby Loss Awareness Week click here

Picture: The Gogarburn headquarters of RBS in Edinburgh was lit up in pink and blue for Baby Loss Awareness Week.

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